C.T. Townsend Ministries


At C.T. Townsend Ministries, we adhere to the scriptural principle:

“Wherefore, by their fruits
ye shall know them”

Matthew 7:20 (KJV)

What an honor it is to travel this nation, and see the life changing power of the gospel happen right before our very eyes. God has given us an open door, and a window of opportunity to make a difference. Whether it is at a youth rally, summer camp or conference, our revival schedule, or a crusade, we are very busy spreading the greatest news in this world… “Jesus Saves!”

But we can’t do it alone, and really, we wouldn’t want to. There is a power in partnership with others in ministry, and we would appreciate yours as we continue to provide God’s Word to the lost and the lonely. Please prayerfully consider being a CTM monthly partner, and help us reach this generation!

How You Can Help

There are a number of ways you can help us continue to do our work in God’s nation. From becoming a monthly partner to shopping in our store—every cent goes into taking God’s word to every corner of the earth through C.T. Townsend Ministries.